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Myopia Management in Sanger

Myopia is increasingly common worldwide, affecting approximately 30% of the global population. In fact, did you know that recent studies indicate nearly half of the world’s population could be myopic by the year 2050?

Our eye care team offers myopia management services to help slow down or even stop your child’s myopia (nearsightedness) from worsening over time. Beyond helping their vision in the short-term, this can also significantly reduce their risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration as they grow into adulthood.

Risk Factors for Myopia

Several factors can significantly increase your child’s chances of having myopia and influence how much it will affect their vision without intervention. The most common of these factors include:

  • Genetics: A family history of myopia is a significant risk factor.
  • Environment: Lack of outdoor activity and excessive near-work can contribute to myopia development.
  • Lifestyle: Prolonged use of digital devices and poor lighting conditions are contributing factors.

Research studies have shown that a higher risk of severe myopia is observed in children who develop myopia at a younger age.

Signs of Myopia in Children

Recognizing myopia early in children is key to managing and controlling its progression.

Common signs include:

  • Squinting: Children may squint frequently to see distant objects more clearly.
  • Sitting Close to the TV or Screen: A need to sit closer to television screens or hold books and devices close to their face.
  • Eye Strain or Headaches: Regular complaints of headaches or eye strain after reading or long periods of screen use.
  • Poor School Performance: Difficulties seeing the board or distant objects can lead to a decline in academic performance.

Treatment Options For Myopia Management

Atropine Drops

Low-dose atropine eye drops, applied nightly, help slow the progression of myopia in children. They have been proven effective with minimal side effects.

Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses

These lenses help correct distance vision and slow the progression of myopia. They work by changing how light focuses on the retina, which can help control myopic progression.

MiSight Lenses For Myopia Management



MiSight 1-day contact lenses are specially designed for children and are the first FDA-approved lenses to slow myopia progression in children aged 8-12 at the initiation of treatment. These soft, disposable lenses are comfortable and easy to use, making them ideal for young patients.